Grand Unification Theory

Thoughts and Ramblings in this Twenty-First Century Broken World

Monday, January 01, 2007

Day of Adventure - Final Entry

OK OK, my one and only New Years resolution: to try mighty hard to write on this blog more than one a quarter.

I still haven’t even finished the day of adventure series yet and there is so much more to share.

After The Maritime Museum, we headed off to Lorain OH to try to go to the lighthouse there. After wandering around for a bit following the computer generated directions we discovered that one can not drive to the lighthouse and to this day I’m not sure you can even visit it (a New Years quest I need to Google).
So Jim and I headed backwards a few miles to this wonderful public park in Lorain. Actually a this point I can’t remember what it’s name is but here are some pics. Jim took a nap in the grass while I sat and took pics.


  • At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah, naps are good on a warm sunny afternoon, especially after romping all over the place, eh?

    Glad to see a new post, Shannon!


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