Grand Unification Theory

Thoughts and Ramblings in this Twenty-First Century Broken World

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Day of Adventure Part One

After an endless number of weekends where Jim and I would ask each other to do something fun and we would undoubtedly end up at a movie or watching videos, I decided to plan an actual “Day of Adventure.” The day started out driving from Cleveland to Milan, Ohio, the birthplace of Thomas Alva Edison.

Edison’s father built the house around 1841. Thomas was born in the bedroom right off the Parlor (I saw the room) in 1847. The young woman who was giving us the tour claimed to be a relative of Edison’s, although I am sure Thomas Alva would have had problems with her hippy dippy dress and flip flops. It became painfully clear about halfway through the tour that the house was more of a memory for Edison’s daughter because there were many more artifacts from her life then from her fathers in the house.

I have no pictures from inside the house because it was forbidden, but here are some pics from the Milan town square and of the house itself. There is also some pics of a cool empty Victorian house just off the square that was empty and in need of a nice gay couple to buy and fix up into a bed and breakfast.

(Funny moment number one: As we were standing in the basement kitchen of the Edison birthplace house, the tour guide in one breath completed her last fact and then stated the tour was over.)


  • At 5:18 PM, Blogger Mando Mama said…

    Pathetically, I had to look up the location of Milan, Ohio.

    The Historical Attraction Visitor Experience is something I'm learning more about from the other side. My, but the range is fascinating. Your flip-flop story is filed away for future application.


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