Grand Unification Theory

Thoughts and Ramblings in this Twenty-First Century Broken World

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Good God man, my last post was in January. It's now mid-July. What a loser I am.

It's funny as I picked up the computer just now and decided to post a little something, I began to think about decisions we make, how we make them and why we make them. I am one to usually not think too much about decisions and because of this have created trouble for myself in the past because as much as I can preach about consequences and how you are responsible for your actions, when it comes to things that only affect me, my decision making system does not work as well as it should.

One of these is blogging. I consider myself a writer yet I don't write or read as much as I feel I should. The easiness of lounging and the easiness of doing nothing overcomes me daily. For example, I have a vacation week next week and have become to figure out what I can do around the house to make it better for me and the cats. Yet I bet you a dollar that at the end of the week I will have very little done. That is OK, but its the decisions I make and then later in the year when I am piled in junk around my house I can blame no one but myself.

There is no magic in these ideas. I have read similar rants from fellow bloggers, yet Shannon (I) do(es) nothing about it and continues to make the same bad decisions. Why? It is human nature? Is it laziness? Probably a bit of both. Another sample is I had little problem putting myself on a diet (thanks to Weight Watchers) and pretty quickly dropped 25 pounds, then stopped. Why? Laziness.... apathy.... why I have not gained back all the weight I liked the feel of loosing and the challenge it gave me...

So bottom line is, small steps and perhaps begin to make decisions like they are affecting more than just me and I might begin to make better decisions. Wish me luck.... and hey maybe I'll get my list of things done next week. I'll let you know.


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