Grand Unification Theory

Thoughts and Ramblings in this Twenty-First Century Broken World

Monday, October 31, 2005

Mondays I suppose are tough for many people including me. After having had fun and relaxation for 2 days it's back to the ole grind and if where you work is like where I work all the work that would have been done on Sat and Sun if you were there is there waiting for you on Monday along with Mondays work. So by the time you go home you are ready for the weekend already!

But I have survived another Monday and will hide here in m house tonight since I am a Halloween Grinch and refuse to give candy out to teenagers therefore no one gets candy from me.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Well the long dark beauteous descent into the holidays has started. I had my 1st day of semi-depression on Friday last. Felt like I could cry at the drop of a hat. Made it through the day without doing so which is always a good thing.

So I do I counteract these feelings. I have officially started my X-mas shopping. Just placed an order through Amazon for a number of items and purchased an item off of E-bay. Would love to share with all of you what I am buying but alas some of you may be the ones I am buying for.

Also seriously thinking about a Vegas weekend for my B-day this year. Keeping an eye out on the flights for a cheap one. And the IP will give me 2 nights free for my B-day. So keep you fingers crossed that I find a good flight. Anyone wanna go with me?

Here is a picture from a previous Vegas trip (my 1st I believe)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I have moved my Blog to Blogspot. Here are the former entries...
Saturday, October 22, 20053:06:08 PM EDT

Christmas is coming.... eeeeekkkkkkk!

Ok so Christmas is right around the corner and since last year I was shopping in the Christmas Eve storm that we had I feel a deep need to start the horrible incredible system of shopping trips better known as Christmas shopping.
The biggest problem, I have no idea what to get people and family and somehow my gay gene desire to shop for shopping sakes has become dormant over the last few years.
So maybe some good internet searches and list making will suffice for now.
And any of you you may be actually keeping track of this Blog whom reguarly get gifts from me may want to start dropping some hints as well.

Sunday, October 16, 20052:46:09 PM EDT

My Queer Life

Several years ago (I think when he 1st season of QAF came out (!!!) on DVD I decided to go on a hunt for my own Queer Life. But like most things in my life I moved onto some other venture and forgot the search.

But this weekend I buckled down and decided to catch up with my friend's from Liberty Ave. And once again I began to wonder where my queer life is. And quickly came to the conclusion that my queer life is me. Being gay is a part of who I am, the way I was made and anything I do with a slight flair or embellishment is my queer life.

After all where in Pittsburgh is a Chinatown or even a Liberty Ave were it seems all goes on!

Well back to my TV and all that frontal male nudity (whee!!!)

Saturday, October 15, 20051:21:36 PM EDT

Morning Deeds

Well, I spent the morning screwing....

My parents came up from Mansfield yesterday so my dad could help me put a floor into the storage building my friends and I erected earlier this year. We also lifted the building up off the ground and put 4 x 4 lumber under all the sides. My dad has pretty bad arthritis knees so I really thank him for helping me.

This was the 1st time my parents had seen my house since they helped me move in almost 3 years ago. Even though I am pretty close to my parents it was weird having them here. But it was also nice to show them my house.

So today I was left with the task of screwing the building down to the 4 x 4s and also screwing down the plywood floor.

Hence I spent the morning screwing....

Friday, October 14, 200511:02:04 AM EDT


Once again the world breaks and me without superglue.

1st Luke, my friends cat, is no more. Luke was a wonderful, loving cat and will be missed by all who knew him...

and 2nd what is up with the human body and things going wrong that cause us to need "procedures"... Could be worse but still makes you stop and yell about all the stuff that can and often goes wrong with the human body.

Oh well, off to put a floor in my storage building so I can store stuff over winter...

Thursday, October 13, 20058:18:20 PM EDT

2 years to an entry....

2 years between entries is embarrassing. When I thought about writing a Blog it seems like a good and fun thing to do. After all, I have read a few through the years, so what is my problem. Not sure there. I would say 1st laziness is the main factor. Isn't it easier to just sit and veg in the evenings than writing. I think this is why I have never taken my poetry seriously. Laziness.

Tuesday, October 28, 20039:59:59 PM EST


Nova = New, light, energy
Strings= Vibrations resulting in many things, one of which is music
If the whole world can be described in one theory, then what can I not have a nice day where at least one person doesn't seem to either be mad at me, expect more from me (unrealistic goals set on me) or at least treat me like a human being.
If the sky is blue and blue is a down feeling as a human being, is the world doomed from the start? Should we be asking for a change in sky color?