Grand Unification Theory

Thoughts and Ramblings in this Twenty-First Century Broken World

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Random Thoughts a la Shannon

Since weeds seem to grow at a rate that is just astounding, why can’t scientists take the genes that grow a weed a foot a day and put it in corn?

If people hate TV and movie stars so much why do they continue to talk about them?

Did you see where Congress gave itself a “cost of living” wage increase this week? Yet the troops in a quagmire of a war can’t get the body armor and helmets they need in order to save their lives. Sometimes I just wanna move to Canada.

By the way funniest headline of the past week: Cher demands better helmets for troops. Maybe she should donate some of her headdresses from the Sonny and Cher show. Might not stop a bullet but the enemy may laugh so hard they can’t shoot straight.

I saw a video on-line tonight that shows a guy who has invented a machine that uses water as a fuel for a blowtorch. It breaks the H2O of the water down into HHO which is highly flammable. It looked and felt like a real newscast, I will need to investigate a bit more to see if it is real. Here is the link to the story.


  • At 10:16 AM, Blogger Mando Mama said…

    Hey Shannon, I met a woman last night who actually got backstage at a Cher concert once. Couldn't help but think of you.

    Even though I'm not a fan of genetic food engineering, you've got me thinking on that weed-gene. Except, instead of corn, can we grow tomatoes or green beans? Kids and I enjoyed munching on fresh-picked snow peas recently, so put that on the list, too.


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