Grand Unification Theory

Thoughts and Ramblings in this Twenty-First Century Broken World

Friday, March 16, 2007


As I was thinking today, in what moments of calmness I could muster as I slaved away trying to catch up with the piles of paper that engulfed my desk this week, I was still thinking about my liaise-faire attitude that I generally have about my life and the world in general.

When I was younger I was a worrier. My grandmother Salser was a worrier so I learned it honestly. I remember saying my own kind of mantra as I was trying to go to sleep as it was storming outside or as my parents were fighting. The worry actually got so bad at a few points that I actually would break out in hives the size of your adult hand all over my body.

I have no idea how I moved beyond this worriness and into my laid backness but in many ways I am happy that I lean on this side of the fence than the other. It definitely makes life a little easier to take and keep the waters of reality pretty calm as I continue to navigate my way through.


  • At 8:55 PM, Blogger Mando Mama said…

    Many people are happy because they are asleep, but you're not that way. You've found a nice balance between nonattachment and sincere concern for things and people that matter to you. I wish I could do that!

    Then again, if that movie of G as Newsman didn't worry you, nothing will! LOL!


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