Summertime, and the living is.....
As 2014 meets it's halfway point and I start another week of staycation, I wonder what it means to be happy. I know I am not sad nor melancholy nor moody, but am I happy? What do I need to be happy? I am content most of the time. Of that I can be certain. I know I have moments of happiness: laughing over something on the internet, having dinner with a friend, or even watching tv with a cat or two on my lap. But does this mean I am happy? Some days are harder than others, and some days slip by without too much drama or strife and that's a good thing. Maybe I need to figure out the things that'll make me happy and do more of them. A much harder task than it at first seems because most of the things that DO NOT make me happy are necessities of life. Mmmmmm. Summertime, and yes I think the living, during most times, IS easy....