Grand Unification Theory

Thoughts and Ramblings in this Twenty-First Century Broken World

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My Christmas (A Story)

Over all, my Christmas was good. That is until the emotions of the day reached a boiling point and came flooding over the rim of my mind and out my eyes.

My two nieces were sick on Christmas. Nothing major but running temps which made my 3 year niece K. feels chilled and be just cranky enough to put everyone a bit on edge.

After all had opened presents and after dinner, my sister told K she could spend the night with Poppi and Grandma (my parents), this made K very happy.

My sister then realized that there was a person (still not quite sure who this person is/was that K had to go see so she tried to convince K to go home with her. K wanted nothing to do with this and she became more and more agitated and crying. This made my mother upset and started to get to me.

I reached my boiling point when after my mother had told my sister to just take K and go because no matter what K was going to cry and be very upset, my sister just sat there so I took things into my own hands and took K to the car, her screaming the whole time. I put her in the booster seat and tried to close the door but she would not let go of my hand and arm. At this point I started to bawl like a baby myself. After K let go I ran into the house about the time my sister and her boyfriend were yelling at each other.

Long story long, they decided at that moment to let K stay at my parents house. My sister then started to cry like a baby because she had upset K and my mother and I.

AH, I love the holidays!

Merry merry!

But all turned out OK and so far I have not come down with what the nieces had.... although with the stress from the holiday and work, I think it's only a mater of time.

So if you had a quiet day like a few of my friends did, lucky you... but hey I did get the digital camera I wanted and as said before it was a nice weekend and Christmas until the boiling point and at least I have family even if they drive me crazy every now and then.

Thanks for being my family people in my family, and for those of you in my extended family I thank you as well. I love all of you and can't wait to spend some boiling points with you!
OK maybe not boiling points but time and fun things together!


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